Scenerio 1 : Multi-Pod Inter-Pod Network (IPN) broadcast, unknown unicast, and
multicast (BUM) troubleshooting
Endpoint information not exchanged between pods
Leaf does not learn remote endpoint
COOP does not have remote EP information
BGP does not receive prefix
BGP session flapping/down
Remote endpoint information should be populated in COOP
COOP will receive remote EP information from BGP EVPN
BGP L2VPN EVPN will establish and receive prefix if we have reachability.
spine1# show coop internal info ip-db key 2457600 : <-- local site
When you run show coop internal info ip-db, you typically see all IP endpoints known to the spine for each VRF. By adding key 2457600, you target a specific VRF VNID (2457600) and IP (
Note : If you don't know VNID then use the command "show system internal epm endpoint ip"
IP address :
Vrf : 2457600
Flags : 0
EP bd vnid : 16220082
EP mac : 00:50:56:B1:44:03
Publisher Id :
Record timestamp : 05 02 2018 02:29:12 339899902
Publish timestamp : 05 02 2018 02:29:12 340145880
Seq No: 0
Remote publish timestamp: 01 01 1970 00:00:00 0
URIB Tunnel Info
Num tunnels : 1
pod35-spine1# show coop internal info ip-db | egrep -A 15 -B 1 "$" <-- Remote Site
A more general search of the COOP IP database for, printing 1 line before the match and 15 lines after the match
IP address :
Vrf : 3014656
Flags : 0x4
EP bd vnid : 15925206
EP mac : 00:50:56:B1:44:03
Publisher Id :
Record timestamp : 01 01 1970 00:00:00 0
Publish timestamp : 01 01 1970 00:00:00 0
Seq No: 0
Remote publish timestamp: 04 24 2018 05:05:34 611613733
URIB Tunnel Info
Num tunnels : 1
Tunnel address :
Tunnel ref count : 1
Tunnel address :
Tunnel ref count : 1
Step 1 : Check BGP EVPN session between spines of two PODs
spine# show bgp l2vpn evpn summ vrf overlay-1 4 65001 29670 56819 55574 0 0 00:01:17 Active --> It means session is down) 4 65001 29671 56819 55574 0 0 00:01:20 Active --> It means session is down)
[+] Check lldp neighbors
spine# show lldp neighbors | egrep "IPN|spine|Device ID"
IPN3 Eth1/15 120 BR Eth1/16
IPN4 Eth1/16 120 BR Eth1/20
Step 2 : Since BGP session are established as overlay on OSPF neighbourship between IPN and Spine.Hence, check ospf session between Spine and IPN.
spine# show ip ospf nei vrf overlay-1 1 EXSTART/ - 00:35:22 Eth1/16.16 —> Neighbour is in Exstart 1 FULL/ - 26w1d Eth1/15.15
[+] Check interface configure MTU is set to 9150
OSPF EXSTART could be due to MTU mismatch between neighbours
A) You may check fault associated with MTU mismatch and Exstart between ospf and IGP
apic# moquery -c faultInst -f 'fault.Inst.code=="F3592”’. —> MTU mismatch
apic# moquery -c faultInst -f 'fault.Inst.code=="F1385"' —> OSPF Exstart
B) TCPDUMP on SPINE to check MTU
spine# tcpdump -i kpm_inb proto ospf -vv -e
Check MTU configure on interface
spine# show int ethernet 1/16.16 | grep MTU
MTU 9150 bytes, BW 40000000 Kbit, DLY 1 usec
IPN# show int ethernet 1/20 | grep MTU
Resolution : Change MTU on IPN
IPN4(config)# interface Ethernet1/20.4
IPN4(config-subif)# mtu 9150
MPOD MTU can be found at L3Out for Multi-POD at Infra Tenant.
Default control plane MTU value can be tuned by modifying the corresponding system settings in each APIC.
System --> System Settings --> Control Plane --> 9000
Scenerio 2
BiDir/Phantom RP
IPN Multicast Routing Features
Spine nodes act as multicast hosts (IGMP only). They do not run PIM.
If a BD is deployed in a Pod, then one spine from that pod will send an IGMP join on one of its IPN-facing interfaces.
The IPNs receive these joins and send PIM joins towards the Bidirectional PIM RP.
All dataplane traffic sent to the GIPo goes through the RP.
BUM traffic not working as expected.
ARP not complete on either host (ARP Flood enabled in the BD)
An ARP request from Host ingresses the leaf. The leaf should encapsulate this request in the BD GIPo to forward this traffic to the remote site.
Phantom RP is used in a PIM BiDir environment where RP redundancy is designed using loopback networks with different mask lengths in the primary and secondary routers.
These loopback interfaces are in the same subnet as the RP address, but with different IP addresses from the RP address.
The subnet of the loopback is advertised in the Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). To maintain RP reachability, it is only necessary to ensure that a route to the RP exists.
Unicast routing longest match algorithms are used to pick the primary over the secondary router.
The primary router announces a longest match route (say, a /30 route for the RP address) and is preferred over the less specific route announced by the secondary router (a /29 route for the same RP address).
The primary router advertises the /30 route of the RP, while the secondary router advertises the /29 route. The latter is only chosen when the primary router goes offline.
With phantom RP, it's expected to use a nonexistent IP on the switch as the RP within the same subnet of the loopback configured.
This should match on all the IPNs for a given group/group range.
Only one spine in each pod joins each group
To check which Spine joined
Spine # show ip igmp gipo joins | grep (BD Gipo address)
We see that on all IPNs All the incoming interfaces point to loopback 1 of the local IPN. This means that each IPN believes that they are the RP.
If they believe they are the RP, they are not going forward the IGMP joins they receive.
Any device that owns that actual RP address would see a local /32 route for it.
We need all the IPNs to agree who is the RP for a given group or group range and the incoming interface of the "show IP mroute command" should point towards that RP.
Since the mroutes are looking like this lets check the configuration for the RP as well as the loop back that is being used for it.
Step 1 :
IPN# show ip mroute vrf IPN
If it shows in output
IPN # show run pim | egrep "rp-address|loop|vrf"
IPN # show run interface loopback1 | egrep "ip address|vrf"
A) Change loopback or pim rp-address.
We need to change either address to allow LPM to prodivide failover.
With Phantom RP, it is expected to use a non-existent IP on the switch as the RP IPNs should point to RP that has longest prefix match Better for failover/redundancy
Phantom RP –
Loopback 1 IP -
Change loopback in all IPN to
IPN1# show run pim | egrep "rp-address|loop|vrf"
vrf context IPN
ip pim rp-address group-list bidir
ip pim rp-address group-list bidir
interface loopback1
IPN1# show run interface loopback1 | egrep "ip address|vrf"
vrf member IPN
ip address
IPN2# show run pim | egrep "rp-address|loop|vrf"
vrf context IPN
ip pim rp-address group-list bidir
ip pim rp-address group-list bidir
interface loopback1
IPN2# show run interface loopback1 | egrep "ip address|vrf"
vrf member IPN
ip address
IPN3# show run pim | egrep "rp-address|loop|vrf"
vrf context IPN
ip pim rp-address group-list bidir
ip pim rp-address group-list bidir
interface loopback1
IPN3# show run interface loopback1 | egrep "ip address|vrf"
vrf member IPN
ip address
IPN4# show run pim | egrep "rp-address|loop|vrf"
vrf context IPN
ip pim rp-address group-list bidir
ip pim rp-address group-list bidir
interface loopback1
IPN4# show run interface loopback1 | egrep "ip address|vrf"
vrf member IPN
ip address
B) Change Mask Configuration
However, our IPNs still point to their local loopback as the RP and the BUM traffic is not successfully traversing the IPNs.
The highest subnet mask should not exceed a /30
Active RP in the group will be the RP with the longest subnet mask.
Should that RP fail. The traffic will fail over to the node that has the next longest subnet mask.
Correct configuration to use recommended less than /30.
IPN1 = /30
IPN2 = /29
IPN3 = /28
IPN4 = /27
IPN1# show run pim | egrep "rp-address|loop|vrf"
vrf context IPN
ip pim rp-address group-list bidir
ip pim rp-address group-list bidir
interface loopback1
IPN1# show run interface loopback1 | egrep "ip address|vrf"
vrf member IPN
ip address
IPN2# show run pim | egrep "rp-address|loop|vrf"
vrf context IPN
ip pim rp-address group-list bidir
ip pim rp-address group-list bidir
interface loopback1
IPN2# show run interface loopback1 | egrep "ip address|vrf"
vrf member IPN
ip address
IPN3# show run pim | egrep "rp-address|loop|vrf"
vrf context IPN
ip pim rp-address group-list bidir
ip pim rp-address group-list bidir
interface loopback1
IPN3# show run interface loopback1 | egrep "ip address|vrf"
vrf member IPN
ip address
IPN4# show run pim | egrep "rp-address|loop|vrf"
vrf context IPN
ip pim rp-address group-list bidir
ip pim rp-address group-list bidir
interface loopback1
IPN4# show run interface loopback1 | egrep "ip address|vrf"
vrf member IPN
ip address
C) OSPF P2P network Configuration
Solution - Add ip ospf network point-to-point.
Int loopback 1
Ip ospf network point-to-point
D) OSPF Interface Cost
BiDir/Phantom RP configuration is correct
BUM traffic not working
Route to RP points back to ACI Spine sub-interface
Solution - Data translation policy
Configure “DSCP class-cos translation policy for L3 traffic”.
The steps on the workaround are below. In a maintenance window since this configuration might be disruptive to traffic flows steps to enable the QOS level.
Step 1
Navigate to Tenants > infra.
Step 2
In the Navigation pane, expand Policies > Protocol > DSCP class-cos translation policy for L3 traffic.
Step 3
In the Properties panel, click Enabled to enable the DSCP policy.
Step 4
Map each traffic stream to one of the available levels.
Each QoS Level must be mapped to a unique value.
The spine will map the outer COS value to a new DSCP class on egress and map DSCP to COS in ingress
Unsupported vPC design
Case 1
Solution - Use Subinterfaces
The use of subinterfaces on the links connecting the IPN devices to the spines
Case 2