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ASA Configuration

Writer's picture: Mukesh ChanderiaMukesh Chanderia

Updated: Jan 16, 2022

Transparent Firewall

Default firewall mode is routed.

To change ASA in transparent mode

ciscoasa(config)# firewall transparent

Firewall will reboot and will delete configuration & security context (if configured)

ciscoasa(config)# show firewall

Firewall mode: Transparent

ciscoasa(config)# interface gigabitEthernet 0

ciscoasa(config-if)# nameif inside1

INFO: Security level for "inside1" set to 0 by default.

ciscoasa(config-if)# security-level 100

ciscoasa(config-if)# bridge-group 1

ciscoasa(config-if)# no shut

ciscoasa(config-if)# interface gigabitEthernet 1

ciscoasa(config-if)# nameif inside2

INFO: Security level for "inside2" set to 0 by default.

ciscoasa(config-if)# security-level 100

ciscoasa(config-if)# bridge-group 1

ciscoasa(config-if)# no shut

ciscoasa(config)# interface bvi 1

ciscoasa(config-if)# ip address

By default ASA does not allow communication between interfaces having same security-level.

ciscoasa(config)# same-security-traffic permit inter-interface

The ASA supports two types of interfaces: routed and bridged.

Bridged interfaces belong to a bridge group, and all interfaces are on the same network.

The bridge group is represented by a Bridge Virtual Interface (BVI) that has an IP address on the bridge network.

Routed mode supports both routed and bridged interfaces, and you can route between routed interfaces and BVIs.

Transparent firewall mode only supports bridge group and BVI interfaces.

Arp is allowed by default in both directions i.e. higher to lower security-level and also from lower to higher.

Firewall can't participate in dynamic routing protocols i.e. rip,eigrp,ospf & bgp.

Brodcast & Multicast traffic isn't allowed by default.

BPDU's aren't allowed by default and if there is switch on both side of firewall then they won't see each other.

To Allow BPDU's "ethertype" access-list required to be configured.

access-list ALLOW_BPDU_INSIDE ethertype permit bpdu

Access-group ALLOW_BPDU_INSIDE in interface inside

access-list ALLOW_BPDU_OUTSIDE ethertype permit bpdu

Access-group ALLOW_BPDU_OUTSIDE in interface outside

Just like routed mode everything from inside to outside is allowed so can be done in transparent mode.

access-list inside_access_in line 1 extended permit ip any any

access-group inside_access_in in interface outside

DHCP is also a multicast so by default if DHCP server won't be able to give ip address if server and client are connected between two different interfaces of firewall.


To allow DHCP request to come inside we need to put access-list on outside interface.

object network broadcast


object network dhcp-server


access-list outside_access_in line 1 extended permit udp object dhcp-server object broadcast eq bootpc

access-group outside_access_in in interface outside

Mac-Spoofing Attack can be avoided by creating static arp enteries.

arp inside 001b.7765.4321

If we enable flood arp packets then firewall will look at static arp table and if there is no conflict and new arp is present then it will going to forward it .

If this feature is disabled then new arp will be dropped.

Cut-through Proxy

The firewall cut-through proxy requires the user to authenticate before passing any traffic through the Cisco ASA. A common deployment is to authenticate users before accessing a web server behind the Cisco ASA

step 1. The user on the outside of the Cisco ASA attempts to create an HTTP connection to the web server behind the ASA.

step 2. The Cisco ASA prompts the user for authentication.

step 3. The Cisco ASA receives the authentication information from the user and sends an AUTH Request to aaa server.

step 4. The server authenticates the user and sends an AUTH Accept message to the Cisco ASA.

step 5. The Cisco ASA allows the user to access the web server.

Active Standby Failover

To replicate the stateful inspection of Active firewall another dedicated cable is required.

# show ip

The Active unit uses the system IP address & standby unit uses the standby addresses.

All configuration is done on Active unit and is replicated on secondary unit by "failover" cable.

int Gig0/1

ip address standby

int Gig0/2

ip address standby

Failover & Stateful configuration has to be done on secondary unit & it's ip doesn't change incase of failover.

Primary Unit

failover lan unit primary

failover lan interface FAILOVER GigabitEthernet0/6

failover link STATEFULL GigabitEthernet0/7

failover interface ip FAILOVER standby

failover interface ip STATEFULL standby

Secondary Unit

failover lan unit secondary

failover lan interface FAILOVER GigabitEthernet0/6

failover link STATEFULL GigabitEthernet0/7

failover interface ip FAILOVER standby

failover interface ip STATEFULL standby

Data between active & standby unit can be encrypted

(config)# failover key cisco

Https traffic state is not replicated by default

(config) # failover replication http

To display priority state

(config)# prompt hostname priority state

ASA1/pri/act (config)#

To change role of active and standby firewall

ASA/pri/act (config) # no failover active

Virtual Firewall (Multiple Mode)

If requirement is like that there are one physical firewall but there are two admin groups & we don't want them to mess up with each other's config.

So in order to keep each other's access separate we logically divide a firewall into two.

Firewall in multiple mode can't support VPN and dynamic routing protocols

ASA# conf t

ASA(config)# copy startup-config backup.txt

ASA# show mode

ASA# single

ASA(config)# mode multi

WARNING: This command will change the behavior of the device

WARNING: This command will initiate a Reboot

Proceed with change mode? [confirm]

Convert the system configuration? [confirm]


The old running configuration file will be written to flash

Converting the configuration – this may take several minutes for a large configuration

The admin context configuration will be written to flash

The new running configuration file was written to flash

Security context mode: multiple



ASA# show mode

Security context mode: multiple

Now firewall after reboot will be in System Config.

System Config will have all information about firewall & flash but no interface or access-list etc.


Three Steps

Step 1 : Name Of Context

ASA(config)# admin-context admin1

ASA(config)# context admin1

Step 2 : Allocation of Resources

ASA(config-ctx)# allocate-interface gigabitethernet 9

Step 3 : config url

ASA(config-ctx)# config-url flash:/admin1.cfg

Note : by default "admin.cfg" will be present as default user is admin. Let's assume this "admin.cfg" is holding config from single mode.

So whatever configuration you will do will merge with existing config. Hence this "admin.cfg" must be deleted or different admin name (we used admin1) must be used.

Similarly Configure CONTEXT1 & CONTEXT2

ASA# changeto context admin1

ASA(config-ctx)# context CONTEXT1

ASA(config-ctx)# allocate-interface Gigabitethernet1 CONTEXT1_inside invisible

ASA(config-ctx)# allocate-interface Gigabitethernet 3 CONTEXT1_outside invisible

ASA(config-ctx)# config-url disk0:/CONTEXT1.cfg

ASA(config-ctx)# context CONTEXT2

ASA(config-ctx)# allocate-interface Gigabitethernet2 CONTEXT2_inside invisible

ASA(config-ctx)# allocate-interface Gigabitethernet 3 CONTEXT2_outside invisible

ASA(config-ctx)# config-url disk0:/CONTEXT2.cfg

Here "CONTEXT2_inside" & "CONTEXT2_outside" are alias assigned to physical interfaces . Also the admins of CONTEXT1 & CONTEXT2 can't see physical interface due to keyword "invisible"


ASA# changeto context CONTEXT1

ASA/CONTEXT1# conf t

ASA/CONTEXT1(config)# interface CONTEXT1_inside

ASA/CONTEXT1(config-if)# nameif INSIDE_CONTEXT1

ASA/CONTEXT1(config-if)# security-level 100

ASA/CONTEXT1(config-if)# ip address

ASA/CONTEXT1(config)# http server enable

ASA/CONTEXT1(config)# http 0 0 inside

ASA/CONTEXT1(config-if)# end

ASA/CONTEXT1# conf t

ASA/CONTEXT1(config)# interface CONTEXT1_outside

ASA/CONTEXT1(config-if)# nameif OUTSIDE_CONTEXT1

ASA/CONTEXT1(config-if)# security-level 100

ASA/CONTEXT1(config-if)# ip address

ASA/CONTEXT1(config-if)# end

Now let’s move to CONTEXT2 context and configure interfaces.

ASA/CONTEXT1# changeto context CONTEXT2

ASA/CONTEXT2# conf t

ASA/CONTEXT2(config)# interface CONTEXT2_inside

ASA/CONTEXT2(config-if)# nameif INSIDE_CONTEXT2

ASA/CONTEXT2(config-if)# security-level 100

ASA/CONTEXT2(config-if)# ip address

ASA/CONTEXT2(config-if)# end

ASA/CONTEXT2(config)# interface CONTEXT2_outside

ASA/CONTEXT2(config-if)# nameif OUTSIDE_CONTEXT2

ASA/CONTEXT2(config-if)# security-level 100

ASA/CONTEXT2(config-if)# ip address

ASA/CONTEXT2(config-if)# end

Configure Resource Classes

CiscoASA(config)# class default

CiscoASA(config-class)# limit-resource conns 20%

CiscoASA(config-class)# limit-resource routes 500

CiscoASA(config-class)# limit-resource vpn other 5

CiscoASA(config-class)# class silver

CiscoASA(config-class)# limit-resource conns 80%

CiscoASA(config-class)# limit-resource routes 2000

CiscoASA(config-class)# limit-resource vpn other 15

CiscoASA(config-ctx)# context CONTEXT1

CiscoASA(config-ctx)# member default

CiscoASA(config-class)# context CONTEXT2

CiscoASA(config-ctx)# member silver

We must assign management interface shared to each context so that admins could connect to their respective context.


Active Active Failover is by default not supported by ASA & to make it work we need to configure firewall in multiple mode.

It can be routing or transparent but for that either both should be in routing or both should be transparent.

The two units in a failover pair must have the same hardware. They must be the same model,have the same number and types of interfaces , and the same amount of RAM.

ASA1/ASA2(config) # failover lan interface fail-config Gigabitethernet 4

ASA1/ASA2(config) # failover link fail-state Gigabitethernet 5

ASA1/ASA2(config) # failover interface ip fail-config standby

ASA1/ASA2(config)# failover interface ip fail-state standby

ASA1 --> Primary -------> Group 1 ---> Context 1 ---> Active

ASA2 --> Secondary ----> Group 2 ---> Context 2 ---> Active

While configuring Failover ensure that firewall capacity is less than 50% so incase of failover one firewall can take load of other.

The Standby address can be applied in context only.

By default there is no preemption configured so if ASA2 fails then ASA1 will take care of both context 1 & 2 but when ASA2 comes back then it will sit idle.

Now we already created CONTEXT1 & CONTEXT2 and assigned interface Gigabitethernet 1/Gigabitethernet 3 & Gigabitethernet 2/Gigabitethernet 3 respectively.

Step 1 : Let configure Failover Groups

Failover Groups can only be two

ASA1 (config) # failover group 1

ASA1 (config-fover-group) # primary

ASA1 (config-fover-group) # preempt 120

# exit

ASA1 (config)# failover group 2

# secondary

# preempt 120

# exit

Step 2 : Add context to failover group

ASA1 (config) # Context CONTEXT1

ASA1 (config-ctx) # join failover group1

# exit

ASA1 (config) # Context CONTEXT2

ASA1 (config-ctx) # join failover group2

# exit

Step 3 : Tell firewall primary and secondary

ASA1 (config) # failover lan unit primary

Step 4 : Now configure ip and name for failover & stateful interface

Please note the below steps are common for both Active-Standby or Active-Active configuration

ASA1(config) # failover lan unit primary

ASA2(config) # failover lan unit secondary

ASA1/ASA2(config) # failover lan interface fail-config Gigabitethernet 4

ASA1/ASA2(config) # failover link fail-state Gigabitethernet 5

ASA1/ASA2(config) # failover interface ip fail-config standby

ASA1/ASA2(config) # failover interface ip fail-state standby

Step 5 : Set Prompt to include context

ASA1(config) # prompt hostname context

Step 6 : Go to both context and assign ip address (we already did) & virtual mac address for shared interface.

ASA1(config) # changeto Context CONTEXT1

ASA1/CONTEXT1 (config) # interface CONTEXT1_outside

ASA1/CONTEXT1 (config-if) # mac-address ccie.6399.9936

ASA1(config) # changeto Context CONTEXT2

ASA1/CONTEXT1 (config) # interface CONTEXT2_outside

ASA1/CONTEXT1 (config-if) # mac-address ccie.6399.9939

Step 7 : Enable Failover


show failover

show failover state

Step 8 : Assign Group 2 to Secondary Firewall

ASA1/pri/act (config) # no failover active group 1

To save configuration in both primary and secondary firewall

ASA1# write memory all


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