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Writer's pictureMukesh Chanderia

Red Hat OpenStack Fundamentals

Introduction to OpenStack

OpenStack is an open-source cloud computing platform that enables organisations to build and manage both public and private clouds.

It provides Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) by controlling large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a data center, all managed through a dashboard (Horizon) or via the OpenStack API.

Key Characteristics of OpenStack:

  • Open Source: Developed and maintained by a global community of developers and users.

  • Modular Architecture: Comprises multiple interrelated components that control different resources.

  • Scalable and Flexible: Designed to scale horizontally, accommodating growing workloads.

Core Components of OpenStack

OpenStack consists of several core services, each responsible for a specific aspect of the cloud infrastructure. The main components include:

1. Nova (Compute Service)

  • Purpose: Manages and automates pools of compute resources.

  • Functionality:

    • Provides on-demand access to compute resources by provisioning and managing large networks of virtual machines (VMs).

    • Supports various hypervisors like KVM, VMware, and Hyper-V.

2. Neutron (Networking Service)

  • Purpose: Provides networking as a service between interface devices managed by other OpenStack services.

  • Functionality:

    • Enables users to create and manage complex networks.

    • Supports advanced networking features like VLANs, SDN, and NFV.

3. Swift (Object Storage Service)

  • Purpose: Stores and retrieves unstructured data objects via a RESTful API.

  • Functionality:

    • Ideal for storing backups, archives, and large data sets.

    • Provides redundancy and scalability.

4. Cinder (Block Storage Service)

  • Purpose: Provides persistent block storage to running instances.

  • Functionality:

    • Manages the creation, attaching, and detaching of block devices to servers.

    • Supports multiple storage backends.

5. Glance (Image Service)

  • Purpose: Stores and retrieves virtual machine disk images.

  • Functionality:

    • Allows users to discover, register, and retrieve virtual machine images.

    • Supports multiple image formats like RAW, VHD, VMDK, and QCOW2.

6. Keystone (Identity Service)

  • Purpose: Provides authentication and high-level authorization.

  • Functionality:

    • Acts as a central directory of users mapped to the OpenStack services they can access.

    • Supports multi-tenant environments.

7. Horizon (Dashboard)

  • Purpose: Provides a web-based user interface to OpenStack services.

  • Functionality:

    • Allows administrators and users to access and manage cloud services.

    • Facilitates resource provisioning and monitoring.

8. Heat (Orchestration Service)

  • Purpose: Orchestrates multiple composite cloud applications.

  • Functionality:

    • Automates the deployment of infrastructure, services, and applications.

    • Uses templates written in YAML or JSON formats.

9. Ceilometer (Telemetry Service)

  • Purpose: Monitors and meters the OpenStack cloud for billing, benchmarking, scalability, and statistical purposes.

  • Functionality:

    • Collects data on the usage of cloud resources.

    • Enables billing systems to consume data from OpenStack.

Red Hat OpenStack Platform

Red Hat OpenStack Platform is an enterprise-ready commercial distribution of OpenStack, integrated and optimized by Red Hat. It combines the power of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) with the OpenStack cloud platform, providing a scalable and secure foundation for building private and public clouds.

Key Enhancements by Red Hat:

  • Enterprise-Grade Stability: Built on the proven stability of RHEL.

  • Enhanced Security: Incorporates SELinux, auditing, and compliance features.

  • Long-Term Support: Offers extended lifecycle support and updates.

  • Integrated Management Tools: Includes Red Hat’s management and automation tools.

  • Hardware Certification: Certified with a wide range of hardware vendors.

Integration with Red Hat Technologies:

  • Red Hat Ceph Storage: For scalable object and block storage.

  • Red Hat Ansible Automation: For automated deployment and configuration.

  • Red Hat CloudForms: For hybrid cloud management.

  • Red Hat Satellite: For system provisioning and life-cycle management

Key Features and Benefits

1. Scalability and Flexibility

  • Horizontal Scaling: Easily add more compute, storage, or networking resources as needed.

  • Flexible Deployment: Supports a variety of hardware and hypervisor platforms.

2. High Availability and Reliability

  • Redundant Services: Critical services can be deployed redundantly to avoid single points of failure.

  • Automated Failover: Detects failures and automatically recovers services.

3. Enhanced Security

  • SELinux Integration: Enforces security policies and confines applications.

  • Keystone Authentication: Centralized identity management with support for multi-factor authentication.

4. Simplified Management

  • Unified Dashboard: Manage all cloud resources from a single interface.

  • Automation Tools: Use Ansible playbooks for consistent and repeatable deployments.

5. Open Standards and Interoperability

  • API Compatibility: Standard APIs ensure compatibility with a wide range of tools and services.

  • Community Support: Benefit from a large ecosystem of partners and contributors.

Use Cases

1. Private Cloud Infrastructure

  • Scenario: Organizations wanting full control over their infrastructure.

  • Benefit: Customizable environment tailored to specific workloads and compliance requirements.

2. Network Functions Virtualization (NFV)

  • Scenario: Telecommunications companies virtualizing network functions.

  • Benefit: Reduces costs and accelerates service deployment.

3. High-Performance Computing (HPC)

  • Scenario: Industries requiring significant computational power (e.g., scientific research).

  • Benefit: Scalable compute resources that can handle intensive workloads.

4. Development and Testing Environments

  • Scenario: Rapid provisioning of environments for software development.

  • Benefit: Accelerates development cycles and promotes innovation.

Getting Started with Red Hat OpenStack

1. Understanding Requirements

  • Hardware Compatibility: Ensure that your hardware is certified or compatible.

  • Resource Planning: Plan for compute, storage, and networking resources based on workload demands.

2. Installation and Deployment

  • Red Hat Director: A tool for installing and managing the OpenStack environment.

  • Templates and Roles: Define custom deployment templates to suit specific needs.

3. Configuration and Management

  • Networking Setup: Configure Neutron for network services (VLANs, VXLANs).

  • Storage Options: Set up Cinder and Swift according to storage requirements.

4. Monitoring and Maintenance

  • Ceilometer and Telemetry: Monitor resource usage and performance.

  • Updates and Patching: Regularly apply updates provided by Red Hat for security and functionality.


Red Hat OpenStack Fundamentals provide a robust foundation for building and managing scalable cloud environments. By leveraging the strengths of OpenStack's modular architecture and Red Hat's enterprise-grade enhancements, organizations can achieve greater agility, efficiency, and innovation in their IT operations.

Whether you're aiming to deploy a private cloud, support high-performance computing, or enable rapid development environments, understanding the fundamentals of Red Hat OpenStack is a critical step toward modernizing your infrastructure.

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